Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Baby Bolero is finished!!

I did it!!! I love it!! It's sooo tiny, though...It looks like it should fit a doll...LOL! As a matter of fact, I borrowed my daughter's Cabbage Patch to test it out. It's nearing my bedtime, so this will be short and sweet. Here are the pix:



And the money shot!! This is my granddoll-ter, Brown Baby:

Whaddaya think?


Virtuous said...

They are tiny things aren't they?!?

Glad you got it all finished!

Cr8tive Fashion said...

it is very pretty!

QueenDBW said...

Thanks, Diva!!

Two Cables and a Frapp said...

It iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis cute !!! Love hat bolero ! Your grand-doll-ter is adorable.