I have been a lapsed blogger, but I hope to blog a bit more this year. I want to post a blog at least once a week this year. Let's see how this goes....
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
She STILL knits.....sometimes
I recently realized that it has been about two years since I last blogged. As the title indicates, I do still knit...LOL!!! I just haven't been writing about it. Chalk it up to busy-ness, lazy-ness, living-ness......
I have learned to do entrelac, which fascinates me. I have also learned to knit socks!! I learned from an awesome book Toe Up Two At A Time Socks by Melissa Morgan-Oakes. This was a great book and I have ear-marked at least five other pairs I want to make. Next stop, conquering cuff-down!!
My latest obsession (to the tune of six balls of yarn during the Holidays) are the ruffle scarves. I have been using Sashay by Red Heart. Here is my latest WIP:
I really love the color changes. I have two more balls of Sashay. I am going to try something a little different with them. Maybe throw in a row of purls every third row or so...just to see what it does to the ruffles...... But first, a hat for my son!!
Oh well, it's getting late and I'm getting sleepy. Happy New Year all!!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Happy New Year!!!
I know that I'm late AND that I have been out of pocket for awhile, but I have been knitting. AND I've actually finished some things!!
Where has the time gone? I did not realize until I logged in that I did not blog AT ALL last year...shame on me, but I had a lot going on and blogging seemed like such an indulgence. Where to begin? Let's just hit the high (or should I say low) points. Most significantly, I lost my dad on Thanksgiving Day 2009. Sadly, we were not very close, but I had hoped to develop a stronger relationship with him. Unfortunately, time waits on no man (or woman) and I missed my opportunity. Please share your feelings with your loved ones while you can. You never know when they will leave you or when you will leave them. I just have to trust that my daddy knows how much I love and miss him and that one day I'll see him again so I can tell him myself.
Secondly, I now have two kids in school. My son is in middle school and that brought growing pains for all of us. He's smart as a whip, though and I'm more than sure he'll handle whatever may come his way. And my baby girl is now a first grader, or as she says it, she's "a bid kid now" :-)
Thirdly, I experienced some serious upheaval in my marriage. I am choosing to view it as a learning experience. It has taught me a lot about myself, my husband and life in general. I pray we can look back on these times one day and see the positive in the experience...
Now to my knitting. I have made quite a few scarves; started some socks (I even finished a pair...LOL); and learned some new techniqes.
Let's start with this:
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Confessions of a Lapsed Blogger
Is anyone still out there?
I know it's been ages since I've written anything, but I have honestly been very busy. I have been kniting a little bit. I've made some scarves, just a lil sumthin, sumthin to keep my fingers limber. And.....I taught myself entrelac!! I found an AWESOME tutorial on Knitting Daily!! Here's the link:
However, my main focus has been on getting into law school. I've taken the LSAT; I've got a short list of schools; now I'm agonizing over my personal statement. I have to admit that I am feeling a bit out of my element. I haven't done any scholarly-type writing in over 15
In the meantime, I have to prepare my family for the exit of Hazel and the arrival of student mom...LOL!!! (Yes, I'm claiming it!!)
Stay tuned.....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I'm still alive!!
Just crazy busy. I'm still working on my sweater. I have actually made some progress on it. However, I've set it aside to knit hats for my kids and a scarf for a friend.
I was living under the misguided delusion that my youngest being in school would give me a little more free time - joke's on me!! Nayomi is only in pre-k, but insists that she has homework every night, just like her "Bubba". And I must help her with it; and check it. If she weren't so darn cute, it'd be annoying.
As for me, I've decided that I want to go back to law school. I'm taking the LSAT in December and applying for Fall 2009 entry to NCCU. Pray for me. This will be a major adjustment - I've been out of school since I was (gasp) 22!!!!
My hubby is doing his thing too. He's taken up cycling and rode in the Tour to Tanglewood (it was over 60 miles!!!) I'm so proud of him!!! However, he's getting kinda buff, and I'm gonna have to step up my game..LOL!!!! He'll probably never have expected this, but I gotta brag. My man was almost famous many moons ago. He was in Janet's "Black Cat" video. I loved that song back in the day and I'm posting the video. He's at 2:08, if you're interested:
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Help Save A Show
Not sure how many of you watch(ed) Knitty Gritty with Vickie Howell. Well, I say watched because DIY network is no longer producing new episodes and has all but said the show is cancelled. I LOVE this show. Even though there are often items that I could NEVER see myself making; I always picked up some tips, learned new techniques and learned about different designers.
An online acquaintence has started a petition to convince DIY to produce more episodes of the show. Please sign here http://www.petitiononline.com/1234lulu/petition.html
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I've Been Tagged
I was tagged by Susan:
"The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer."
1) What was I doing 10 years ago? I was planning my wedding to my wonderful hubby, John.
2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today? 1. Finish folding the laundry 2. Put said laundry away. 3. Finish the front of my ribbed pullover. 4. Get to bed before 11. 5. Take a long, hot shower and relax.
3) Snacks I enjoy: Snickers, BBQ chips, skittles, peanut butter crackers, Reese's pieces.
4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire: Oh my gosh, where to begin?!?!? First off, I'd pay off all our debt!!! I'd set up trust funds for my son and daughter and my nieces and nephews. I'd finally be able to afford to go back to law school. And I'd make sure we take a fabulous vacay every year.
5) Places I have lived: I was born in South Carolina; and thus far, I've lived in New Orleans; Toledo, Oh; Los Angeles; Baltimore; Port Royal, SC; Columbia, SC; Atlanta and Greensboro, NC.
6) Jobs I have had: I don't think I can remember all of them, but here goes. My first job was at Burger King when I was 16; then my freshman year of college, I was one of those annoying kids calling alumnae for donations; during the next 2 summers, I worked at a dry cleaner; I had a work-study job in the Anthropology dept; I had another work-study in Fin Aid; I tutored with Upward Bound; I was a manager of a linen store; I worked at a summer camp; I worked at a Marriott; I worked at Taco Bell; Nationsbank as a teller; Circuit City call center; Sprint; and currently I'm an admin at a pharmaceutical company. WHEW!! In my defense, I'm 36 and most of those were seasonal jobs while I was in school.
7) Bloggers I am tagging who you will enjoy getting to know better:
Delta Purl
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Desireé vs. The Sweater
The bedeviling center cable
Lesson learned: Make sure that what comes off your needles looks like what your reading off the paper; don't just blindly follow the pattern (or what you think the pattern is saying). Here's the front 3/4 of the sweater....