Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Desireé vs. The Sweater

I was so proud of needles were clicking away and I was making my first sweater. It was no simple thing, either. It was ribbed AND had cables. Simply stunning. I patted myself on the back...

Then I got to row cable row was somehow misaligned...THE HORROR!! I could figure it out. I looked at it, but all I could see was "wrongness". So with my heart breaking...I frogged it. All the way to the beginning. First round to the sweater, but I started over; vowing "Baby you can do it. Take your time, do it right..."

Ding-ding-ding ROUND 2.

THIS TIME I moved slowly. NOTHING was going to mess me up. First cable row - PERFECT. I knew I could do this!! I started to relax, got smug, got to row 57 again. It was wrong again. This time I did cry as I frogged it. Round 2 to the sweater.....

I had to step away from it for a while. The bag of yarn sat in it's corner (my bookshelf) taunting me every time I entered the room. I ignored it...I had to get my mind right.

Ding-ding-ding ROUND 3.

Friday afternoon and a long (loooooong) drive to Nashville were ahead of me. I was going to get this done. I was prepared mentally and physically. I'd figured out that I was somehow getting off track (DUH!!!), but I had a solution; I had tools. Yarn - check; Addi turbo - check; cable needle - check; scissors - check; row counter - check; Post It notes - check. Yep, a sista was saved by the lowly Post It note. This little yellow square with a strip of stickiness saved my sanity. Using the Post It as a line marker helped me to realize that my cable was misaligned because I was not accounting for the decrease when "ribbing to the center". I am currently on row 90!!! Round 3 to Des!! OOH-AH OOH-AH!!!!

The bedeviling center cable

Lesson learned: Make sure that what comes off your needles looks like what your reading off the paper; don't just blindly follow the pattern (or what you think the pattern is saying). Here's the front 3/4 of the sweater....


Debora said...

Well, you are coming right along. Keep it up!

Cr8tive Fashion said...

You inspire me. Honey after the last frog of 57 rows that yarn would have made a lovely bag. You go!

Susan said...

I agree - that is some major perseverance! Looking good, too. You had that last round for sure. lol.

I have tagged you for a meme. Details on my blog.

Desiree said...

I'm a knitting Desirée too!!
Congrats on sticking with the pattern and figuring it out! Did you ever finish the sweater?
